Bliss Practice

Yoga is not just about physical practice, the asana. It also includes a deeper level of practice. One of the most beautiful and important aspect is Bliss Practice.

The idea is from the concept of the subtle body, or the koshas, meaning sheaths or layers. The subtle body is part of the yoga philosophy. We have five koshas in our body, which can simply be explained as we have different layers or channels where our energy goes into and out of. They are the Food Body (Anamayakosha), the Energy Body (Pranamayakosha), the Mental Body (Manomayakosha), the Wisdom Body (Vijnanamayakosha), and the Bliss Body (Anandamayakosha). Don’t flee if you are hearing these terms for the first time. Stick with me for a little while, and you might find that this is something you are familiar with or even already practicing.

The subtle body is a systemic method to look at different aspects of ourselves. Think of it as the constitution of a living being. We talk about wellness, holistic health, mental health, and energy level…etc. in our daily conversation. The subtle body is as simple as that is. Take the Food Body, the physical body for example - we eat, exercise, rest, and sleep to keep ourselves in a healthy and balanced condition. It is just equally important to take care of our other BODIES as the physical body.

Mak N Ming, Vancouver

Mak N Ming, Vancouver

What exactly is the Bliss Body you may question. That is something closer to the core of one being, or you may call it the soul, if you believe in such concept. It is something that makes you happy, something that makes you feel at ease and at home, or something that keeps you going. It can be a nurturing activity, a place, a person, or anything you can think of. You name it.

I invite you to think about the things you do, the habits you have, and your relationships with your surroundings. Ask the question to yourself, “What is my bliss body? and how I nourish it?” I will share some of my ways of treating my bliss body, and you can make your own list!


Cooking and tasting food

Well, I know this is something our physical body live on, but for me, this is also a critical element that feeds my bliss body. I love to enjoy food and appreciate all the varieties and cuisines that I can get access to. Anything that is related to food can make me happy whether it is cooking, dinning out, or even watching cooking shows, preparing food for family and friends is one of my greatest bliss. I love cooking, handling natural ingredients, transforming them into dishes that warm people’s tummies.

My favorite jogging route

My favorite jogging route

Soaking in nature

Any outdoor activities that my body is capable of participating is my bliss. I love being in the nature (of course especially when the weather is nice, it is even better!) Seashore and river bank are places make me feel calm and at home the most. Anytime I feel like my body need some fresh air, I would put on my runners and head into the forest. A hike, a jog, or simple a walk is all what I need to refresh myself and even learn something new from the nature.

Reykjavík, Iceland

Reykjavík, Iceland


The world is my biggest playground and library. Traveling has always been and will continue to be my passion and motivation of EVERYTHING. I guess I love traveling more than anything else that I do. It essentially includes everything that I love from food, to culture, to people, to nature…and I can go on and on. I travel with friends, family, or just myself. Going to new places is like embarking on field trip to learn different sides of the world. It also gives me new perspective to check in with myself during every trip, especially on those solo travels. The world is so big that one can never learn too much from it.


Seeing smile on people’s face

I always remember when I was little and people asked me, “what do you want to do when you grow up?” “I want to do something that can make people smile.” I replied. I did not know what exactly I want to do, but I came up with this idea. Happiness and wellness are contagious. We are mirrors of one another. When we receive a smile from other people, we receive that warmness, that energy can spread out far beyond you can imagine. That is what carry me to where I am at today.

Yoga and aerial yoga!

And of course practicing yoga and aerial yoga is what brings me joy. Needless to explain more, and maybe I will be rambling more in the other blogs and topics :P

I will leave it to you now. It is your turn to check in with your bliss body. What is your bliss? And how do you nourish your Bliss Body? We do not want just to be alive and survive, but we want to thrive. When we treat our mind and body rightfully, that is when we can live well and thrive.